Rizoma Clip On Hole Cover Kit BMW / R nineT / 2022
- Brand Rizoma
Rizoma offers these clipons hole cover kits to cover the holes left open from your handlebar risers on your triple clamp when you switch over to the Rizoma Clip On Kit or other aftermarket clipons.
Rizoma Part # ZBW059A
Make/Model/YearBMW / R nineT / 2014, BMW / R nineT / 2015, BMW / R nineT / 2016, BMW / R nineT / 2017, BMW / R nineT / 2018, BMW / R nineT / 2019, BMW / R nineT / 2020, BMW / R nineT / 2020, BMW / R nineT / 2021, BMW / R nineT / 2022, BMW / R nineT / 2023
ProductHandlebars, Clip Ons & Bar Ends